Monday, August 5, 2013

Module 15 Video Blog


         There are several important concepts to be learned from the video entitled "Greenberg on Art Criticism: An Interview by T.J. Clark."   This video is an interview conducted by T.J. Clark with art critic Clement Greenberg.  Throughout the video they discuss the evolution of art criticism and issues surrounding modernist painting.  Greenberg shares a number of insights on the relationship between art and history including the post-WWI culture boom.
         Greenberg states that he believes that writing about visual art is much tougher than writing about literature or music, because he actually reads the music, but art involves interpretation.  He also feels that best art over the last 50 years was predominantly abstract.  He states that the great critics of the past like Ruskin and Sylvester weren't philosophical but knew the nature of the value judgment.  That being said he places emphasis on intuition, reasoning and relevance in art criticism.  Finally he discusses his belief that art criticism must involve some sort of argument about the basis of the critic's judgment, which must include history.

         The second video entitled “The Critics: Stories from the Inside Pages,” offers several important concepts about art criticism as well.  In this video Dr. Dwight Dwerth-Pallmeyer travelled the country interviewing prominent commenters including; film reviewer Joel Siegel, film critic Richard Schickel and music critic Bill Friskics-Warren. This video states that criticism is actually the practice of analyzing, classifying, interpreting or even evaluating artistic works.  It argues that someone willing to take a stand and make an argument generally delivers criticism.  It also stresses the importance of emotional impact in criticism.  Emotional impact helps make a persuasive argument either in favor or against the art or artist.  In order for criticism to be effective it requires logic, emotional support, and personal credibility of the critic.
         The video also states the positive contributions that critics have on the type of art they are critiquing.  Or example, book critics are likely the most influential in their ability to benefit new writers.  They can help promote new, good books by writing positive reviews.  Film critics also help people get the most out of their film dollar.  Most importantly, critics get us (the general public) to really think about the type of art in which we are viewing.

            These videos relate to the creation of my Art Criticism project in several ways.  The first video I watched was an interview with Clement Greenberg, a renowned art critique.  He offered several important insights into conducting a proper art critique. He stressed the importance of intuition, and reasoning when conducting a critique.  His experience and understanding of art criticism was very helpful when creating my project.  The second video helped me understand the importance of emotional impact when critiquing.  It showed me that it is important to consider our emotions when viewing the piece of art.

            I really enjoyed both of these videos.  Both videos were very helpful when doing my art criticism project because they gave me important advise on how to conduct an effective critique.  They also helped me realize that critics are not here to serve a negative purpose; they benefit both the art in which they are critiquing as well as the general public.  

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